" We are what we are today because we have been given a hand ". BENKOUO makes this sentence his watchword. Throughout our lives, we have met people (our parents, our friends, our companions, our colleagues) who have helped us achieve our goals, our dreams and to be who we are today.
Inspired by her parents, our founder Fatimatou MFOUT POYOUONA initiated the BENKOUO association. Indeed, they helped him and several members of his family to progress in their education and professionally. Her parents fought body and soul so that she could have a bright future as well as her brothers and sisters. In addition, they also helped his cousins, who did not have the means to continue their education. Today, the people who were helped by his parents have a stable situation and in turn help other people so that they can continue their studies. They are what they are because we reached out to them and given them a chance to succeed and make their dreams come true.
However, not all children in Cameroon are so lucky. In general in Cameroon, children from disadvantaged backgrounds have to work in order to afford an education. Some of them find it difficult to obtain amounts equivalent to 10 euros to be able to go to school. Other children study in the street because they do not have electricity at home. Because we believe that we all deserve to be helped and that we all have a potential within us, we have decided to create the BENKOUO association to help these children and help them progress and achieve their dreams.
BENKOUO means in Bamoun (language of the Bamoun people mainly from western Cameroon, Foumban): Progress. Our mission is to help disadvantaged children achieve their dreams and progress in their lives. We want to start with Cameroon and gradually extend our aid throughout Africa and the world. BENKOUO intends to support children through various programs .